You wouldn't fill up a high performance sports car with garbage would you? No, this
would cause unspeakable damage to something you have invested so much time and
money into. Why would you ever purposely harm it? Why would you purchase
something with such great performance unless you wanted it to live up to what it
was made for? The obvious answer is no, I would never put garbage into my

So why is it that we put garbage into our stomach? Is the stomach not the gas tank
of the body? Do we not produce energy by breaking down food you eat ? Yes, we
do, the food we eat is broken down into glucose molecules which are then broken
down into a substance called ATP which is used around the body as energy. Eating
the right nutrition that our body needs is like giving your gas take premium
gasoline. Eating food we all know is bad for us is like putting garbage in your
tank and wondering why you broke down after only driving a block. 

If you want your body to live up to what it was made for, or to just have more
energy and live a longer healthier life nutrition is key. While I am a huge
advocate for exercise, you can run and lift all day long but if you are
re-fueling your body on garbage don't be surprised when you find yourself sick
or not getting any results from your workout.

You'll be happy to know eating healthy isn't as expensive as premium gas! However,
eating organic can be quite expensive if you don't know what to look for, so
here are a few tips on what to look for when you're at the grocery store next
Foods to buy Organic:
1. Apples 2. Blueberries 3. Celery 4. Potatoes 5. Peaches 6. Lettuce 7. Spinach 8. Grapes 9.Strawberries 10. nectarines 11. Sweet bell peppers 12. Cucumbers

You don't need to buy EVERYTHING organic. Just because it says organic on the label
doesn't mean its good for you. However here is a list of the dirty dozen, some
of these foods contain over 40 different pesticides on and inside the produce. (
so washing with water does not always do the job) Look for foods labeled
Non- GMO project. This means they contain no genetically
modified organisms ( so basically they weren't produced in a lab ).

Also 99% of farm raised fish eat horrible feed that is not even safe for human
consumption. You may think oh well im eating the fish not the feed. Wrong. if
you are eating the fish you are eating the feed. And lets just say you wouldn't
even feed this feed to your dogs. Another tip is buy in bulk! Go get yourself a
costco or Bj or Sams card! You will save on meats and produce I promise you.
While eating healthy can be very expensive it can also be cheaper than what you
already spend on fast food. You just have to budget yourself and know what to
look for. Don't waste your money on “Diet” products that have ingredients the
manufacturer’s can't even pronounce. Those “diet” meals are also commonly high
in sugars or sodium. Read the nutrition labels. Even if you detest reading, a
nutrition label isn't a novel it's what you're  choosing to put in your gas
tank! Think about it!

Sara Linkous
6/18/2013 12:27:43 am

Great to hear Nikki! Regarding fish consumption, I agree and can relate to what you're saying. My dad and I were discussing this issue the other day. He was telling me how he takes fish oil pills daily in order to get his omega 3's in because he doesn't eat enough fish. I was asking him about eating too much fish because it has become an essential part of my diet, but I don't want to consume too much and of the wrong kind. He recommended wild caught Alaskan salmon since it is known to one of the best and safest. What I've been buying a lot of recently is canned chunk white albacore tuna (which he told me is not the best!), and also canned wild caught Alaskan salmon (which I feel better about!!). It seems pretty trustworthy, the nutrition label says nothing about added preservatives other than salt. This is something that has just been so convenient for me and my husband, when we're on the go and don't really have time to cook a salmon! Well anyway thanks for the info, keep it coming!!!

Nikki Dutcher
6/18/2013 02:01:19 am

Sara, your dad is right wild caught Alaskan salmon has many helth benefits. As far as the white tuna I believe it all depends on where the fish comes from be careful in selecting brands. However if you have a Wegmans near by I know their Albacore is wild caught and that's what I eat a lot of. 1g of fat and 16 g of protein and filling! Be sure to get in water not oil but for a quick healthy snack I love my canned Tuna (=! Thanks for your comment!

Sara Linkous
6/18/2013 01:42:31 pm

I've never heard of Wegmans, sounds great though! I'll have to see what more I can do around here. What I love to do is sprinkle just a tiny bit of either onion or garlic powder on my salmon and tuna!

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