We have all heard the saying "You are the company you keep". I've disagreed with that my whole life. Do to the fact that for the majority of my life I've known exactly who I was, and who my friends were. I've also known the exact things that set us apart from one another. However lately I've noticed a different side to "You are the company you keep". I've noticed that my day can completely take a turn for the worse and I can be in a horrible mood if those around me are in a horrible mood. When in fact I have no reason to be in that mood in the first place. I've also noticed that I can come to work in the morning indifferent, and be surrounded by co-workers that crack jokes, ask how you, and your family are, or do things with a smile on their face and it becomes contagious. Or when my husband comes home from work and I see him for the first time in several hours and he walks through the door with a smile, I am instantly in a better mood than before he walked in the door. The people around me have so much more impact on my day than i truly realize.  If your "Company" around you has so much impact on your mood. Think about the impact you could have on theirs. Are you boosting them up or bringing them down?

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