No matter how many times I read Captivating I always pull something different from it each time...

Haunted by a Question Chapter 3 of Captivating

This Chapter discuses 2 types of women and our indulgences we run to instead of God.

Type 1. The Dominating Woman

“She needs no one. She is in charge- ‘on top of things constantly.’ She is a woman who know hot to get what she wants.” (pg 51)

“If she cannot secure her relationships, then she kills her heart’s longing for intimacy so that she will be safe and in control.” (pg 52)

“Controlling women are those of us who don’t trust anyone else to drive our cars. Or help in the kitchen. Or speak at our retreats or our meetings. Or carry something for us.” (pg 53)

Type 2. The Desolate Woman

“She is naive, lost, bereft of any sense of self.” (pg 53)

“Desolate woman are ruled by the aching abyss within them… They are consumed by a hunger for relationship.” (pg 54)

Regardless of which category we might fall into, our “question” remains unanswered, and we allow ourselves indulgences to try to fill the void. Be it food, daydreaming, gossip, unhealthy relationships, shopping whatever- we turn to other sources instead of God.

What do you turn to?

Ever heard of retail therapy? My husband will tell you that I have and I never miss a session. If I have a bad day I don't turn to a tub of icecream like most people. I go shopping, for some reason this makes me feel better. Even if I go out and come home with nothing the wasted time kind of clears my head. Its not like Im going on a shopping spree or anything but that time that i'm spending shopping Is time I could be spending praying on what ever made my day bad. No matter what type of woman you are turn to prayer when you need to indulge in something positive (=!

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