Today I had to look backwards in order to see forward. In a moment of hurt feelings, and wanting to write something awful and angry, I looked back to a post I wrote about 4 years ago....

"Betrayal cuts deep. Penetrating deeper than any imaginable physical abrasion. Wounding us from the inside out leaving us un healable, forever changed and untrusting to the world around us. The wound of betrayal is sharp and precise, piercing right through the heart leaving no traces behind of its clever fraud. It will leave you feeling foolish and enraged, hurt and disgusted; but after all even Judas betrayed Jesus. Yet even in the midst of the deceitful pain you have caused in my heart I will pray for you"

I posted this  when I had given my life to God and it seemed as if those who I thought were my closest friends no longer accepted me for the person I had became. And though it hurt this experience was a life lesson I will never forget. It taught me there are so many people who are going to impact my life for the better and even for the worse. They may be the one doing the actions of impact, but I am the one who chooses just how this impacts me. Do I take a bad situation and pray on it? Do I grow from it and learn from it? Do I take a good situation and thank God for it. Do I cherish it more for what it is? Without the bad we would never appreciate the good in our lives.While we all feel those feelings when we are hurt and betrayed I look back and I think of how much Ive grown since then... the person I am today. And I feel thankful. People are always going to hurt you and bring you down. Make you feel like you are less than you are and make you feel like you arnt good enough. The truth is those people arnt good enough for you. Learn from this, grow from this, pray on this. 

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