Hebrews 12:11-13
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees."

Ahh Discipline a word we all learned at a young age, yet all struggle with. Whether its discipline to not eat this or that. Discipline to get into the gym everyday. Discipline to quit a bad habit, or refrain from saying things you know need not to be said. We all struggle, but when we practice discipline are we not rewarded in some way for our commitment? Do we not reap what we sow in the end?

I've always been the athletic type, I love the competition of sports and I love staying in shape. However I also love food and sleep... a lot. Once I graduated college and sports were done with I found that I could no longer eat the way I did when I was running after a ball or throwing people in the air everyday. I didn't get "fat" but I noticeably lost muscle and my stomach started to transition from fit to please don't wear that bikini outside. My life had relativity stayed the same except I had removed the discipline from sports and continued to eat whatever I wanted. And boy did I reap what I had sowed. So I started eating clean I gave up "bad" foods here and there. little by little.. I started replacing 2 meals a day with nutrition shakes and immediately noticed a difference in my energy level and the shape my body was in. I started to become more serious about my time in the gym and what types of workouts I was doing. It was hard, its still hard I still crave "bad" food and I still feel like not giving it my all in the gym some days. We all get discouraged sometimes and we all fall short, but you cant give up. After all no discipline seems pleasant at the time but painful. Later on. however it produces a harvest. #Don't give up#

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